Monday, April 14, 2008


With the fast paced high tech business world pressing in all around us we have very short attention spans. This generation more than any other is learning how to process large amounts of information while continuing to be productive and make consumer choices.

When creating any form of communication it is important to keep this in mind. The copy must be concise and grabbing.

Using A.I.D.A., Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, keeps advertising focused and on target.

Within the first line the consumer's attention should be grabbed. They shouldn't want to change the channel or turn the page. Then, a personal interest should be created. If the target audience has been correctly evaluated this shouldn't be hard to miss. Once interested has be created, desire should be aroused. The consumer should feel as though they can't live without the product or service. Last, and most crucial, the individual should be driven to act. The ad or copy should explain how they should act based on the desire resulting ultimately in a sale and an increased bottom line.

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