Friday, April 25, 2008


There are many tools available to a writer when he is trying to keep his reader's attention. One such tool is a call-out. They are most popular in magazines but newspapers use them as well.

Matti Mattila wrote a blog post titled Simple call-out box.
Here is his explanation for what a call-out box does and why it is important:

"When writing a very long article with lots of text and only few or no pictures to enlighten the story, the reader’s interest must be captured somehow to read the whole text. Sometimes the caption itself does not lure enough, so there must be something else to draw the reader’s attention. Placing a call-out box in the middle of the text, like the one below, usually captures the reader to find out the rest of the story. Creating such a call-out box with markup language is relatively easy and there are many techniques to get the desired effect. Some people use tables and others use background images."

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